What people are saying:

“Tonia! You are Still talking to me inside my head! One of the most important things you gave to me was gratitude for the debt because of what it had given to me. Never thought about it like that and it has been so meaningful.

I am so pleased to tell you that I have paid off 80% of my credit card debt and, as a whole picture, that there is only 37% of my entire credit remaining to pay off. I only have 3 out of 7 accounts with debt.” 

— Mary K


“We came to Tonia without having a clear understanding of our financial picture. After 3 sessions, she meticulously helped us clean up the “closet” and gave us some key action plans to help us stay on track. She helped us understand our numbers and behavioral patterns better and this has empowered us to make some important decisions for our financial health. Plus she’s a super cool human being!”

— Genevieve & John


“Working with Tonia is amazing! She’s nurturing and direct and supportive and cuts through the stories that hold you back from true abundance.”

— Wendy Horng Brawer, Chief of Learning & Innovation at Intune


“Before working with Tonia I always dreaded facing my finances and now doing my budget is something I look forward to. It has become a joy. I love to see where my money is going and how it is working for me. I’m choosing how I want to spend it and in pleasurable ways.”

— Ann Claire Wuestefeld, Educator


“Working with Tonia was something I didn't know I needed until we had our Discovery Session together [In January]. Not only did it give me a better way to structure my financial health, but she helped me address something more profound--my underlying beliefs related to relationships, with money being one way it was showing up.

So, thank you Tonia! Your integrative approach provided so much space for vulnerability and empowerment, with even a few tears to help me feel the softer part of me that I don’t always feel comfortable showing the world. It was healing without question, and it has since then created a ripple effect for much bigger change in my life.”

— Angela Alfieri, Embodiment Coach | Therapeutic Yoga + Bodywork. Founder of Angela Alfieri


“My work with Tonia was immensely clarifying and helpful- emotionally and practically. It helped me bring so much of my shadow into the light, and helped me create a system for a strong financial future. This was a critical piece of work for me and I can’t imagine anyone else who could have guided me through it with such grace and strength.”

— Hallie Easley, Founder Commit


“Tonia is the money coach I must have dreamt up. She is sharp, insightful, and knows right how to cut to the core of your emotions and patterns around money. Her approach is the perfect blend of connecting the practical with the spiritual and the present with the past and future. And her style is exactly what I want from my money coach. Someone who meets you where you're at, listens, accelerates your processing, and then gives you actual tactical worksheets and tools to take away from your session. She just fucking gets it...and then says exactly what you need to hear...which is why I would recommend her in a heartbeat.”

— Shanehi Shah


“When you take time to honor and see your relationship with money every other relationship in your life changes too. Our relationship to money is the proof of our relationship to ourselves, our needs, our desires. When we are not paying attention to our money we are not paying attention to our soul!

Want to figure it all out? Work with Tonia to shed the spotlight on any area of your life that desires TLC. When you work with Tonia to understand what your money is telling you, not only will your money story get fixed, many of your other stories will resolve themselves too. 

Working on money was my biggest resistance in my life! Tonia was a big answer to a lifelong struggle with money! Her energy about life and money attracted me to her and made it really fun and pleasurable to work on an area of my life that held major resistance. With the guidance of Tonia....I have transformed my money story 180 degrees and now I dance and celebrate with pleasure at the abundance in my life.

Any money you spend with Tonia will come back to you!

What are you waiting for? Contact her!”

— Sarah Shirley, Creative Director at Mersur


“Tonia is an inspiring, client focused and results driven financial entrepreneur who uses a practical approach to effectively managing finances so you can get the results you want. Her workshop exercises supported my vision towards creating financial freedom by using a simple financial planning tool that is easy to understand and very applicable to monthly budgeting and forecasting. I now work with a tool every month that allows me to see where my money goes and takes the anxiety out of financial planning so I can move closer towards financial freedom.”

— Irene Rivera, Professional Coach & Entrepreneur


“I am saving more money and am feeling a sense of peace in my body; which is a big deal for me. No more flying by the seat of my pants; I am buckled in and in control of my vessel. I am forever grateful for this lady and her brilliance.”

— Melissa DeTroy, Artist


“Tonia cares and guides you through your finances and gets you where you want to go. I love her personal approach of looking, understanding and really connecting with what money means to you. Finding out what you really want from your money is Tonia's gift. She taught me how to look and connect to what has been happening with my personal and business finances, in a way that was simple, direct and easy. I felt like a mountain shifted. I could finally stop beating myself up, and create new actions to move forward in my life.

This work didn’t just give me ease around my personal finances, new structures to implement in my business, and had me look forward to vacation I’ve been missing out on. It also cleared up my thinking, and direction of building a solid base for the life I have been wanting to live. This helped me grow, and support my bigger picture of what I am out to create in the world. Simply put, Tonia is AMAZING!! She knows her stuff, cares about people really finding financial freedom and creates a structure of managing your money in the way that works for you. Thank you Tonia. Love and gratitude, you rock darling!!

— Olga Yakovlev, Real Estate Agent


“Being a small business who is experiencing tremendous growth in the last 2 years it was beyond frustrating to make sense of the books and keep up with the flurry of new clients. I was spending DAYS on learning what and how to do it all which was translating into lack of focus on company growth and doing what I love to do. I also believed that I could save the money and do it all myself but I jumped anyway. Hiring Tonia was one of the best decisions I could've made not only for my business and my sanity, but it allowed me to focus on what was most important in life, my family. Since Tonia became a part of the Hangar Studios family, we have double our earnings. She is invaluable! Thank you, Tonia, for all of your insight, joy, support and all of the times you've gone above and beyond.

— Jennifer Ho, Founder Hangar Studios


“My personal and family finances are in a place that I never imagined possible. I’ve always flown by the seat of my pants! Now, I have a handle on exactly how much comes in and goes out every month. I know the exact when and what of every bill, and I even enjoy paying them! I’m able to plan spending instead of guessing. I have a level of communication with my husband around finances like never before, and a sense of control and ownership that’s such a relief. Also, I adopted Tonia’s recommendations for a morning practice - I’ve tried many and it’s the one that really stuck! Tonia is amazing in every way, highly recommended!”

— Evan Moore Sargent, Founder Leap Year